Masters of the Universe, often abbreviated as MOTU, is a multimedia franchise that originated as a line of action figures created by Mattel in 1982. The franchise's central characters include He-Man, the heroic warrior, and his arch-nemesis Skeletor, the evil sorcerer. Set in the fantasy world of Eternia, the storyline follows the battle between these two powerful forces for control over the mystical power of Castle Grayskull. The success of the action figures led to various adaptations, most notably the animated TV series "He-Man and the Masters of the Universe," which debuted in 1983 and became a cultural phenomenon. The franchise expanded to include comic books, video games, movies, and a rebooted animated series in later years. With its iconic characters and distinct blend of science fiction and fantasy elements, Masters of the Universe continues to have a lasting impact on pop culture.
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Funko Pop! Rides Masters of The Universe Skeletor on Panthor #98
Sale price$64.14
Masters of the Universe MOTU 200x Beast Man Action Figure
Sale price$53.45
Funko POP Rides #84 Masters of the Universe He-Man on Battle Cat
Sale price$43.55
Masters Of The Universe 200x MAN_AT-ARMS - Action Figure
Sale price$42.76
Masters of the Universe #1 May 1986 Marvel Comics Star He-Man
Sale price$39.60
Masters Of The Universe 200x STRATOS - Action Figure
Sale price$36.93
Masters Of The Universe 200x RAM RAM - Action Figure
Sale price$36.93
MOTU Masters of the Universe Vintage Ram Man Action Figure 1983
Sale price$31.50
Funko Pop Retro Toys 10" Masters of the Universe He-Man #43
Sale price$31.50
Vintage Masters of the Universe SPYDOR Instruction Guide Manual MOTU
Sale price$31.00
Vintage Masters of the Universe MOTU He-Man Mattel ROTON 1984
Sale price$26.72