G.I. Joe, a renowned toy franchise introduced by Hasbro in 1964, revolutionized the action figure market by popularizing the term "action figure" itself. Initially conceived as a military-themed toy line, G.I. Joe evolved to encompass a diverse range of characters from different branches of the armed forces and later expanded into various themes like adventure, science fiction, and espionage. The franchise's appeal surged with the 1980s animated TV series "G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero," which introduced a team of heroes battling the nefarious Cobra organization. G.I. Joe's enduring legacy includes a host of action figures, comics, cartoons, and movies, encapsulating the spirit of teamwork, heroism, and imaginative play for generations of fans.
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2007 SDCC Exclusive GI Joe Pimp Daddy Destro Gold Head - CAS GRADED 90
Sale price$517.90
Sale price$237.50
GI Joe Gung-Ho 1992 Action Figure Sealed Card w Case Protector
Sale price$213.30
Zartan Chameleon Swamp Skier Near Complete GI Joe 1984 Hasbro Vintage
Sale price$176.77
Super Clean Vintage GI Joe 1992 Headquaters See pics
Sale price$139.50
Cobra Commander Leader Canadian GI JOE COBRA 25th Anniversary w Case
Sale price$120.90
1988 GI JOE Tiger Force TIGER STING Vintage Vehicle
Sale price$102.30
Stinger W/ Driver GI Joe 1984 Hasbro Vintage Action Figure Vehicle
Sale price$80.10
Vintage 1986 GI Joe Cobra Terror Drome Silo Bay Roof Hatch Panels
Sale price$72.00
Persuader Vintage GI Joe 1987 Hasbro Action Figure Vehicle
Sale price$39.60
GI Joe Iron Genadiers Leader Destro, 25th Anniversary, 2007 Hasbro
Sale price$37.62
1993 GI Joe Balrog (Street Fighter) Tight Joints
Sale price$35.10
1994 Hasbro Street Fighter GI Joe Devastator SAGAT (Purple Shorts)
Sale price$35.10
GI Joe Cobra Island Roadblock Classified Series Action Figure 6"
Sale price$33.66